Quality of Care
Accreditation is one of the most effective ways for health services organizations to regularly and consistently examine and improve the quality of their care and services. Health care organizations that participate in accreditation programs are evaluating their performance against national standards of excellence. These standards examine all facets of the organization ranging from resident safety, ethics, research, continuous quality improvement, partnerships, education and training, leadership and governance. Accreditation is a voluntary process.
Homes that commit to the accreditation process undergo an on-site survey regularly and receive an accreditation award based on the level of attaining these standards of excellence. The maximum accreditation award that a Home can receive is three (3) years. A report and a certificate are provided to the health care organization as recognition of their accomplishment. There are two accreditation organizations that are recognized by the Ministry of Health Long Term Care, they are: Accreditation Canada and Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).
Mill Creek Care Centre is proud to be accredited by CARF. The Home had an accreditation survey in June 2021 and received a 3 year award. Our success provides evidence that we meet standards and are committed to continuous improvement.
The mission of CARF is to promote the quality, value, and optimal outcomes of services through accreditation that centers on enhancing the lives of the persons served. Their primary purpose is to improve the quality of care and services that enhance the lives of the persons served.
For further information regarding CARF accreditation, please visit their website.